Unit testing attachment_fu

I’m working on a portion of my latest application that will need a facility to upload files. As these files are not images, I decided to use the plug-in attachment_fu. The thing that has caused me the most head scratching was how to set up unit tests to work with attachment_fu.

The class stores files related to a product. These are either code exerts or documentation. I’ve called the class ProductFile.


If you are going to run tests that pass in data via a params hash, how do you get a file into the params in the right format. Here is the solution I worked out:

test_file_path = ActionController::TestCase.fixture_path + '/files/test.txt'
test_file = ActionController::TestUploadedFile.new(test_file_path)
@product_file_params = {
  product_id => 1,
  :document_type => 'document',
  :version => 2,
  :uploaded_data => test_file

I couldn’t get this to work without having the test file in a sub-folder of the fixtures folder. So I added a file ‘test/fixtures/files/test.txt’. Then I used ActionController::TestCase.fixture_path to determine the path.

Tear down

The other problem I had was that the standard Rails unit test tear down process wasn’t removing files created during the test. I overcame this by keeping track of each ProductFile created during the tests, and then using a teardown method to remove them all at the end of the test. This is the code that achieved that:

@@created_product_files = Array.new

def create_product_file_from_params(params_mod = {})
  product_file = ProductFile.create(@product_file_params.merge(params_mod))
  @@created_product_files << product_file
  return product_file

def teardown

def remove_product_files_created_during_test
  for product_file in @@created_product_files
    product_file.destroy if product_file.filename

Now, as long as I used the create_product_file_from_params to create new product_files with params, the test would clean up after itself.


By the way, Product Files created via fixtures didn’t create a matching file in the file system. Which make it easier to keep things tidy, but needs to be kept in mind if you need an actual file to test against.


attachment_fu wiki

Mike Clark’s example of using attachment_fu

David Jones’ very interesting article on using attachment_fu with acts_as_versioned

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